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Prepositions – Michael Jordan, Part 2

based on the book "Michael Jordan: Beyond Air" by Philip Brooks, 1995

by Tom Rohrbach

    Instructions: Make your choice, then check your answer.

  1. He started to do lots of TV commercials, and he became known worldwide ___ his Nike commercials.
    1. by
    2. for
    3. about

  2. The Chicago Bulls went to the playoffs, but they couldn’t win an NBA championship. Michael felt like he had to do everything, not relying ___ any of his teammates.
    1. to
    2. with
    3. on

  3. In 1989, the excellent new coach, Phil Jackson, got some better players and convinced Michael that he could trust ___ his new teammates.
    1. in
    2. with
    3. to

  4. Coach Jackson’s new offensive system helped the Bulls skyrocket ___ the top of the NBA.
    1. upon
    2. to
    3. up

  5. Finally, in 1991, Michael and the Chicago Bulls won their first NBA title! After they won, Michael sobbed (cried) ___ joy.
    1. to
    2. with
    3. in

  6. The bad news was that the championship brought so much attention ___ him that it was difficult to go out in public.
    1. with
    2. on
    3. in

  7. When the team was invited to the White House to be congratulated by the President, Michael stayed home to be with his family. He was tired ___ being in the spotlight.
    1. of
    2. from
    3. by

  8. Another controversy began when people found out Michael Jordan bet lots of money with his friends when they played golf together. Some people believed it was wrong for a famous role-model to take part ___ gambling.
    1. with
    2. in
    3. of

  9. During the 1991-1992 season, Michael won his third MVP (Most Valuable Player) award, and the team breezed ___ the regular season and playoffs.
    1. in
    2. along
    3. through

  10. In the Finals, the Chicago Bulls easily brushed ___ the Trail Blazers and won their second championship in a row.
    1. in
    2. through
    3. aside

  11. At the celebration after the final game, Michael stood on a table and danced ___ the happy, screaming, jubilant Chicago fans.
    1. before
    2. beyond
    3. behind

  12. The next year, the Bulls won their third NBA title in a row, but then Michael decided to retire. He walked ___ from the game he loved.
    1. on
    2. away
    3. out

  13. Michael Jordan’s father was murdered in August, 1993. ___ five weeks of mourning, Michael made the announcement that he was retiring from basketball.
    1. In
    2. After
    3. During

  14. When Michael Jordan retired, the Bulls had to learn to go ___ without him.
    1. out
    2. through
    3. on

Spring International Language Center
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