preposition lessons



based on the book "Michael Jordan: Beyond Air" by Philip Brooks, 1995

PART 1       PART 2       PART 3


      by Tom Rohrbach


    Michael Jordan

    Instructions: Make your choice, then check your answer.

  1. Michael Jordan is a very rich, successful man admired ___ millions of people all over the world.
    1. in
    2. with
    3. by

  2. Michael Jordan played sports with his tongue hanging out because as a child he saw his father doing that when he concentrated ___ a hard task while working around the house.
    1. on
    2. at
    3. in

  3. Believe it or not, the first time Michael tried out for his high school basketball team, he didn’t get picked! But he didn’t give ___. He practiced and practiced until he made the team.
    1. in
    2. up
    3. out

  4. In his senior year in high school, Michael Jordan was not even ranked ___ the 300 best players in the United States!
    1. among
    2. of
    3. in

  5. Michael tried to get a basketball scholarship to college, but all the colleges in the U.S. turned him ___ except one – the University of North Carolina.
    1. off
    2. out
    3. down

  6. In his freshman year, Michael’s college basketball team went to the national championship. When the team was losing by one point in the last few seconds, the coach asked Michael to take the last shot. Michael wound ___ being the hero when his shot went in and his team became the national champion.
    1. up
    2. - (nothing)
    3. around

  7. Michael Jordan shot the ball, and watched the long final shot swish ___ the net.
    1. by
    2. in
    3. through

  8. Michael Jordan loved to shoot, but his college coach didn’t let him shoot a lot in each game. However, Michael didn’t feel that Coach Smith held him ___, because the coach taught him to be a well-rounded team player.
    1. up
    2. down
    3. back

  9. After his third year of college, Michael left to become a pro NBA player. The Chicago Bulls team chose him ___ the third pick.
    1. in
    2. on
    3. with

  10. When Michael joined the team, one Chicago Bulls official warned fans not to expect too much ___ the rookie.
    1. from
    2. in
    3. by

  11. Michael once went to an after-game party hosted ___ a teammate, and he was surprised and disgusted to see players drinking too much and taking drugs.
    1. with
    2. of
    3. by

  12. In the third game of his second season as a pro, Michael landed wrong ___ his foot and broke a small bone, keeping him out of the next 64 games.
    1. on
    2. from
    3. by

  13. When Michael returned after his injury, he led his team to the last spot in the playoffs, and even though his team lost in the first round, Michael was the best player, putting ___ a great show for the fans.
    1. up
    2. on
    3. out

  14. Michael Jordan soon became a very popular star, and the African-American community in the U.S. was especially proud ___ him.
    1. with
    2. of
    3. in






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