movies, TV

shows, scripts


    You can watch lots of TV shows, movies, and other videos on the Internet without having to pay for cable or satellite TV.  This page gives you links to the best and most popular sites so you can watch to your heart's content.
    Also, this page has links to film guide sites, film study, and sites with free scripts and transcripts for many movies and TV shows - great for listening-speaking, reading, and vocabulary-idioms classes!


Click on your interest 

TV & movies online          film study, guides & reviews          scripts & transcripts


movies and TV shows on the Internet

NOTE:  You will need a high-speed broadband Internet connection to watch videos online.

ABC.COM - watch Castle, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, the View, Dancing with the Stars, etc.

CBS.COM - watch NCIS, Unforgettable, Survivor, The Big Bang Theory, Elementary, CBS News, etc.

COLORADO PUBLIC TV 12 - watch Sherlock Holmes, Masterpiece Theater, election coverage, news, etc.

FANCASTER.COM - watch sports, movies, other videos, listen to music, and more

HULU.COM - $ monthly subscription required;  lots of popular new shows - Glee, 30 Rock, Saturday Night Live, Outsourced, etc.

NBC.COM - watch full episodes, clips, and interviews for shows like Saturday Night Live, Parenthood, Chicago Fire, etc.

NETFLIX.COM - $ monthly subscription required; watch hundreds of movies and TV shows online instantly

SYFY.COM - watch science fiction and fantasy TV shows plus SYFY original movies

VEOH.COM - like YouTube, with lots of different channels to choose from, including movies, TV, music, more

YOUTUBE.COM - largest and most famous video website; millions of short videos, plus some movies and TV shows and paid content


film study, guides, reviews

AMC FILMSITE - great - lots of film lore and history, lists of best movies, famous scenes, famous quotes, etc.

AMERICAN FILM INSTITUTE (AFI) - great lists of 100 best films, best actors, best scenes; news; clips, interviews, etc.

AT THE MOVIES - started by Roger Ebert: new movie reviews; best and worst movie lists; over 5000 movie reviews

ENGLISH LEARNER MOVIE GUIDES - over 100 study guides for students and teachers; each one is in PDF, Microsoft Word, and HTML formats

HOLLYWOOD.COM - movie reviews, trailers, photo galleries, celebrity sites, news, etc.

INTERNET MOVIE DATABASE (IMDB) - best source for information on movies, directors, actors; search their huge database

ROTTEN TOMATOES - excellent site with the latest reviews, upcoming movies, searchable database on old movies

scripts & transcripts

DREW'S SCRIPT-O-RAMA - ugly home page, but lots of scripts and transcripts for TV shows and movies; quality of transcripts varies

INTERNET MOVIE SCRIPT DATABASE (IMSD) - hundreds of movie scripts, all in HTML format.  Choose a script, then look for the small link that says "Read ... Script" to view.  Also has some TV show transcripts.

"MOVIE SCRIPTS AND SCREENPLAYS" - 3 pages with movie scripts: A-F page, G-O page, and P-Z page; scripts open with one click

SIMPLY SCRIPTS - good site for finding TV show and movie scripts, but Drew's Script-O-Rama (above) is better



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