Spring International

Language Center

Windows Basics Practice Quiz

Created by Tom Rohrbach, Spring International Language Center

This is a practice quiz to teach you about using Windows. Read each question, then click the answer you think is correct. If your answer is wrong, try again. The quiz is designed to help you learn as you go. Good luck!


1. To start a program from its icon (see above) on the Windows desktop, you can double-click on it, or you can click on it and then press


2. In Windows, you can open several programs with many windows at the same time.


3. The long bar at the bottom of the Windows screen is called the "Taskbar". At the right end is the clock (see picture above). If you hold the mouse over the time for a second or two, what do you see?

24-hour military time
the day and date

4. To the left of the time on the Taskbar, you may see some small icons. These are programs that are always running and ready to use. If you "right click" on one, you will see a small control menu that lets you change settings, open, or exit the program.


5. To open a program from the Start menu on the Taskbar (click Start, then slide up to Programs), you need to ___ on the program's name.

right click
double click

6. If you see a little printer icon on the Taskbar near the clock, it means the Printer is

having problems
working - please wait

7. IMPORTANT! If you see a 'note' on the Taskbar, like "Tabworks: Lab", it means the program is STILL RUNNING. It's just hiding. Click on the 'note' and the program will appear on the screen again.


8. If you "right click" on the 'note' on the Taskbar, you will see a little control menu that lets you Close the program or Restore it to its original size on screen.


9. Before you turn off your Windows computer, you should always click Start on the Taskbar, then "Shut Down" (sometimes "Turn Off"). This lets Windows 'clean up' and keeps things working well. (Never turn off Lab computers!)


10. There are several ways to exit a program. One quick way to exit a program is from the "Control Menu". Click the little icon to see the menu, then click Close. Where is this menu in the program's main window?

top left
top right
bottom left
bottom right

11. You can also exit a program from its File menu. Most programs have "Exit", but some don't, like Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer. These programs have


12. Another way to exit is probably the easiest. At the top right of a program's main screen, which "button" on the picture above do you click to exit?


13. Which button do you click to make the program's window larger, so it fills up the screen - called "Maximize"?


14. Which button do you click to hide the program and put a 'reminder note' on the Taskbar at the bottom of the screen - called "Minimize"?


15. Look at the "scrollbar". You can move up and down in a window three different ways: 1) click on the 'up' or 'down' arrow; 2) click in the open area above or below the "slider" (the little box like an elevator); or ___.

drag the slider up or down
double click on the slider

16. If you have a computer with Windows 98 or newer, it can still run most old DOS and Windows 3.1 programs.


17. What happens if you 'click' too many times before something is ready in Windows? (Be careful and patient!)

no problem
big problems!

You're finished. You can do this practice quiz as many times as you wish. If there is something you still don't understand, ask another student or your teacher. When you're ready, go on to another quiz. Good luck!

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© copyright Tom Rohrbach.  Last update May, 2006