Spring International

Language Center

Typing Practice Quiz - Part Two

Created by Tom Rohrbach, Spring International Language Center

This is a practice quiz to teach you about typing. Read each question, then click the answer you think is correct. If your answer is wrong, try again. The quiz is designed to help you learn as you go. Good luck!

1. To type one capital letter, you hold down the ___ key.

Caps Lock

2. To type a capital "A", before you type the letter "a", you must hold down the Shift key with

the same hand
the other hand

3. To type ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, you need to press the ___ key and make sure its little light on the keyboard is ___ (on or off?).

Caps Lock . . . on
Caps Lock . . . off
Shift . . . on
Shift . . . off

4. When Caps Lock is ON, and you type a number key on the top row - for example the "4 / $" key - you will get

the symbol, for example "$"
the number, for example "4"

5. To type the top characters on the fourth row [including ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ and +], you always need to hold down the Shift key, even if Caps Lock is on


6. When you type a comma (,) you always put the comma

alone, with one space before it
next to the word after it
next to the word before it

7. After a comma, you always put

one space
two spaces

8. When you type a period (full stop - "."), you always put the period

next to the word before it
alone with a space before it
next to the word after it

9. When you finish a sentence and you type a period (.), a question mark (?), or an exclamation point (!), you must always put ___ after it.

one space
two spaces

10. To start a new paragraph, you must always begin with

three spaces
five spaces
One 'Tab'

11. To add one blank line where your cursor is, you need to press

lots of spaces

12. To take out (remove, erase) a blank line, you need to click your cursor at the beginning of the next line and press


You're finished. You can do this practice quiz as many times as you wish. If there is something you still don't understand, ask another student or your teacher. When you're ready, go on to another quiz. Good luck!

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© copyright Tom Rohrbach.  Last update May, 2001