Spring International

Language Center

   Mouse & Windows Practice Quiz

Created by Tom Rohrbach, Spring International Language Center

This is a practice quiz to teach you about the mouse in Windows. Read each question, then click the answer you think is correct. If your answer is wrong, try again. The quiz is designed to help you learn as you go. Good luck!

1. When you press a button on the computer mouse, it's called


2. When you press a mouse button two times quickly, it's called:

go 2
double click
two click
cancel 2

3. Usually, which mouse button do you need to use in Windows?


4. If you press the right mouse button, you can make choices to control Windows or control the program you are using.


5. When you point at something on the screen, hold down the mouse button, and move that thing, it's called


6. In Windows, a little thing on the screen that moves when you move the mouse - for examples, look at the two little pictures above - is called

an icon
an arrow
a pointer
a pic

7. In Windows, a little picture that lets you do something - for example, start a program - by choosing it, is called

an icon
an arrow
a pointer
a pic

8. If you see a little picture like the one above on your Windows screen, it means

windows is closing.
you made the wrong choice.
there is a problem.
wait - the computer is busy.

9. Most computer mice have little rollers that let you move up-down or left-right on the screen by turning them with your finger. Using this roller is called


10. Some computers don't have mice. For example, many notebook computers have a flat place on the keyboard (see above). You move your fingertip on it, and the pointer moves on the screen. This is called a

touch square

You're finished. You can do this practice quiz as many times as you wish. If there is something you still don't understand, ask another student or your teacher. When you're ready, go on to another quiz. Good luck!

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© copyright Tom Rohrbach.  Last update May, 2006